Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tax vs Tax, where did it vaporize ?

The day of a common indian.

  1. Wake up ( tax free :] )
  2. Eat breakfast (The bread, corn-flakes, dal, wheat, everything was taxed)
  3. Watch TV for some news (TV was taxed, the set-top box bill is taxed)
  4. Get into the car (Car was heavily taxed, plus municipalty tax, road tax, registration.)
  5. Call up a friend (Phone instrument was taxed. Phone call is also taxed)
  6. Drive to friends place (Petrol is also taxed)
  7. Go for a movie (Entertainment tax. Popcorn is additionally taxed)
  8. Reach a restaurant (Again pay parking charges part of which is taxed)
  9. Enjoy your meal (Pay tax, VAT + education cess + higher education cess)
  10. Do some shopping (of course, everything you buy is directly or indirectly taxed)
  11. Come back home (Again driving is taxed as you may end up paying toll tax too)
  12. Cook dinner (Cooking gas is taxed, never believe the subsidy theory, its open secret that its just a sham)
  13. Computer/facebook/internet (CDs are taxed, internet bill is taxed)
  14. Sleep well (Its also taxed. The fan/AC electricity will get taxed for the entire duration of ur sleep)
  15. Also, pay property tax and house-rent !!

  • A new highway comes up and toll-tax is charged.
  • To construct a metro govt takes loan from Japan bank.
  • New airport comes up and cess is charged.
  • .. and it is my tax and your tax that simply evaporates..

Day for the local MP/MLA
  1. Wake up ( tax free :] )
  2. Eat breakfast (Everything reaches a politicial tax-free )
  3. Watch TV for some news (TV was in the furnished Akbar-road bunglow with dish-tv)
  4. Get into the car (Migty vehicle with "Govt of India" with a govt driver)
  5. Call up a friend (Phone instrument is free. Phone calls are free)
  6. Drive to friends place (Govt vehicle, Govt pertol, Govt driver)
  7. Go for a movie (Call up the local SHO, he will arrange for the premium seats in the local multiplex. Multiplex needs license to survive)
  8. Reach a restaurant (All the road is parking place. The resturant will be pleased to host.)
  9. Enjoy your meal (Dont dare think of the bill)
  10. Do some shopping (well, some money and some taxes do get spent here in a big city. In a small city forget it)
  11. Come back home (Govt vehicle, Govt pertol, Govt driver, No toll-tax)
  12. Cook dinner (Cooking gas is again provided by govt.)
  13. Computer/facebook/internet (Govt provides laptops. Internet bills are paid by govt.)
  14. Sleep well (Free electricity)
  15. The Akbar-road bunglow (market rent of 5 lac/month) is of course part of the package.

So, now you know the job to target for if you want to save the taxes. ...